FIANZA = Deposit


BARRIO = Neighborhood

VECINO = Neighbor

GASTOS = Utilities (Water, heating, power and Internet)

It´s important to check which utilities are included in the price because usually they are not.


The city of Madrid includes 21 districts, each with its own neighborhoods, 119 total. 

Click on the image for more information!

DISCLAIMER - This information is provided as a matter of convenience to you. All listings on this document are not endorsed or guaranteed by UCEAP. You are solely responsible for your choice of landlord and rental unit. Please be aware that UCEAP has not inspected the rentals and cannot warrant their condition, nor can UCEAP guarantee the professional behavior of the property owners or managers. It also is not a guarantee by UCEAP that the property complies with building, safety or fire codes, or that it is clean or safe or otherwise suitable for your use. Before signing any lease or contract, you are responsible to learn about the property, about your landlord, and about the landlord’s property manager. You are also responsible for understanding your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. UCEAP in Spain or in California is not responsible for any problems that may occur with your rental unit or any disputes that may arise between you and your landlord or any roommates you choose to live with. All prospective tenants are encouraged to exercise common sense and good judgment when evaluating prospective rental units and landlords. Users of this information communicate, contract, and do business with individuals, companies, or firms at their own risk. It is good practice for students to obtain a written rental agreement between the student and the property owner. Neither UCEAP or the Regents, officers, agents, and employees of the University of California, Education Abroad Program, shall be liable for any errors or omissions made in the compilation or printing of this information.


Shared apartments are a very economic option for living in Madrid as a student.

What past students say:
"Freedom and living with friends, cheap"


Living in a residence hall will help you create a community with other students, both international and Spanish, and you won't have to worry about cooking or cleaning.

What past students say: 

"Broad range of student experiences and different countries of origin meant a larger exposure to other cultures


Homestay may be the best option to inmerse in Spanish culture. Living with a Spanish family can teach you about Spanish traditions, gastronomy, and will help you improve your Spanish speaking skills.

What past students say:   

"Better immersion"

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How much is an apartment or single room in Madrid?
The average rent for a room in Madrid is roughly 475€ with utilities (gastos) included (electricity, gas and water). If you rent an entire apartment in Madrid, simply multiply that amount with the rooms available in the apartment that you would like to rent.

How to find cheap flats in Madrid?
Compared to other big cities in Europe, rent in Madrid is pretty reasonable. To find a cheap flat or room in Madrid you will need to look more into the neighborhoods surrounding the centre of the city. The closer you want to live to the center, the more the average rent for a room or flat in Madrid will increase. For additional information about housing, check out CityLife Madrid´s website.

How much does it cost to rent student housing in Madrid?
It all depends on your preferences regarding the location and style of the student room you are looking for. Depending on this, the monthly rent can range
from 300€ to open end. If you would like to rent a room in a residence student hall in Madrid, you can for example expect monhtly rent prices starting at 750€. If you rent a room in a shared apartment, average rent currently is around 475€ with utilities included.

What are the monthly "gastos" for a student room for rent in Madrid?
The Spanish word “gastos“ in English refers to the utility bills which includes water, gas and electricity. Always make sure before signing your rental contract to check if it is included in your monthly rent or not.

If you arrive in Madrid earlier than the program start date, here are some of the most recommended hotels and hostels in Madrid: